Titleimage: Bern Center for Precision Medicine (BCPM)

The Bern Center for Precision Medicine (BCPM) and its members create a robust precision medicine approach to treating patients in health and disease:

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In Memoriam: Prof. Yitzhak Zimmer

With great sadness, we inform of the death on June 16, 2024 of Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Yitzhak Zimmer after a long illness. He had been working as Head of Research in the University Clinic of Radio-Oncology since July 2000, and was an appreciated member of the Department for Biomedical Research and the Bern Center for Precision Medicine of the University of Bern. Through his tireless commitment, his collegial and loyal manner, he contributed greatly to the good team cohesion and the progress of the laboratory. He was greatly appreciated by superiors, team members and employees for his warmth and helpfulness. He will be fondly remembered.



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