BCPM Organization and Structure

Structure as of January 2020

The Bern Center for Precision Medicine (BCPM) was founded on January 1, 2019. 2019 counted as a build-up year, with the inauguration taking place on May 20, and the Center reaching the foreseen personnel effective on June 1.

The BCPM entered the build-up year with a set of founding documents signed by the rector and the CEO of the Insel Gruppe, among them the “Rahmenordnung (RO)”, and the “Geschäftsordnung (GO)”, both in German. These two documents give the framework for the BCPM organizational structure. The organigram has been lined out in Art. 2 GO:


The initial organization according to Art. 2 GO will now be finalized for operational use:

  • “Ausschuss” is translated as “Advisory Committee”. Two advisory committees will be appointed: A Scientific Advisory Committee and a Technical Platform Advisory Committee. Both committees will convene as needed (project calls, platform coordination).
  • “Beirat” is translated as “Advisory Board”. Two advisory boards will be formed: An External Advisory Board with external (international) experts, and an Internal Advisory Board with important stakeholders from the University, Inselspital and/or the canton.
  • “Zentrumsleitung” is translated as “Executive Board”. As foreseen in the GO/RO, the executive board will be headed by a president/director, who will nominate a vicepresident, and stay in direct and permanent operational contact with the Operational Office.

The advisory committees and boards will be nominated by the executive board.